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6th April 2025

12th October 2025

Our auctions are held in the Horace Don Poultry Pavilion at the Kyneton Show Grounds on the corner of Mollison Street, Kyneton.
With over 400 pens and around 700 birds on offer, KDPC Auctions are one of the biggest in the region.
* Please note that Fertile Eggs are only available in September/October.

Our auctions are conducted by volunteer Club Members who give their time, expertise and energy to help run a successful event, they are only too happy to be of assistance to our patrons.

Pen bookings are essential via the entry form below.


Pens cost $5.00 each for standard and large pens & $4.00 each for bantam pens. All pens have a 3 birds Max and are sold as one lot. Fertile EGGS in cabinets are $2.00 per egg carton or similar.

Bidder registration is $2.00, which includes a pencil and notepad; the club has cardboard boxes on sale for buyers to carry their purchases home in comfort.

On entry to the shed all birds will be health checked and are to be presented in a healthy, disease-free state. The club reserves the right to refuse entry to any bird presented in an unacceptable condition. Young birds must be off heat and feathered.
Birds are to be penned from 8am – 10am on the day of the auction. Bidding stops at 1pm sharp for birds.
Kyneton & District Poultry Club, Auctions, Annual Shows, Working Bees, Beginners & Breeders, Chickens & Ducks
Kyneton & District Poultry Club, Auctions, Annual Shows, Working Bees, Beginners & Breeders, Chickens & Ducks


All transactions between buyers and sellers cash only
[no EFTPOS or cheques]
Buyers and Sellers, can discuss the various breeds and their needs and buyers are advised to get contact details from the sellers, the club cannot follow up after purchases have been completed.

There are 62 designated fertile egg spaces located in beside the pavilion, note: bidding for eggs closes at 12.30pm.
The pavilion has a solid concrete floor, new lighting and we have increased our pen numbers to 412.

There is always a great raffle with a terrific main prize and a nice range of other prizes.
Tickets are only available at the auction.
The raffle is drawn on the day and winners notified.
A sausage sizzle is available along with other hot and cold refreshments.
Kyneton & District Poultry Club, Auctions, Annual Shows, Working Bees, Beginners & Breeders, Chickens & Ducks

Below is a list of birds that were entered into our auction on the 22nd September 2024: 

* please note this does not guarantee future availability*

Standard fowl breeds:


Australorp - Blue and black, trio

Araucana -black

Andalusian - black cockerel

Barnevelder - double laced and silver double laced pullets

Brahma- Gold partridge, dark, red pyle splash, blue partridge

Blue egg laying females

Campine - Gold


Easter Egger

Faverolle - Salmon

Faverolle x


Indian Game - Jubilee cockerel

Hamburg - gold

Leghorns - exchequer cockerels,

Marans - Black copper pullets

New Hampshire

Orpington -buff, chocolate

Old English Game - Black-red cockerel

Polish - pullets

Plymouth Rock -cockerel

Rhode Island Red

Silkie - hens and cockerels

Sussex - Coronation, light, buff, lavender, red, lavender cockerels

Sussex x


Wyandotte - Silver laced and gold laced


Vorwerk- cockerels and pullets

Bantam fowl breeds


Belgian DeWatermaels

Belgian D’Uccle - cockerels, Millefleur, porcelain


Indian Game - Jubilee

Japanese Bantam - Black tail white pair

Old English Game - Black red, spangle


Pekin - black, trios, white, pairs


Polish x

Polish Frizzle

Silkies- white

Sussex cross

Wyandotte- Partridge, White, Columbian, Gold laced

Field and forest


Peacock - white and standard


Guinea Fowl - lavender and pearl

Quail - Japanese


Buff orpington - ducks and drake, trio

Call ducks

Cayuga ducks

Khaki Campbell ducks - trio

Indian Runner ducks - trout pair

Pekin ducks - pair

Muscovy ducks

Sebastopol geese

Fertile Eggs by the dozen:

Australorp - blue and black


Ancona x leghorn


Appenzeller - RARE BREED


Bantam Orpington

Bantam Langshan

Brahma - dark

Blue Australorp

Cream Legbars


Hamburg - silver spangled

Indian Game - Blue and dark

Gold Pencilled Hamburg

New Hampshire

Marans - Black Copper and French Wheaten


Muscovy duck

Old English Game Bantam

Olive Egger

Orpington - buff

Pekin - blue

Plymouth Rock - dark barred

Rainbow eggers

Silkie - mixed colours

Sussex -light, buff, coronation

Sumatra - RARE BREED


Welsummer - gold partridge

Wyandotte - gold laced , silver laced

Quail- mixed



Seller Information:

Pen Information:

Seller Disclaimer:

I certify that the birds entered by me are my bona fide property and will be presented in good health, and are not from restricted areas allocated by Agriculture Victoria. I agree to carry out and be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Kyneton and District Poultry Club, including a mandatory health check and screening prior to Auction commencement.

Thanks for getting in touch, we'll be in touch to process your application.

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